Sustanon 250mg/ml






Composition of this medicine

Every 1 ml. of injectable solution contains:
Testosterone Phenylpropionate….. 100 mg.
Testosterone Isocaproate …..…. .100 mg.
Testosterone Propionate ……….50 mg.
Excipients ………. …………csp

What is Sustanon?

It is a medicine that contains a hormone called Testosterone that belongs to the group of Androgens, the group basically responsible for the development and maintenance of male sexual characteristics in the body.

How does this medicine work?

It works by activating secondary male sex characteristics (voice, pubic hair, sexual function, sperm production, erection, sexual desire, body development, muscle mass and correct amount of calcium in bones) red blood cell levels, fat regulation, sugar metabolism, acts on the functions of the prostate and liver.

How is it applied and in what dosage?

In doses for adults (including the elderly) 1 Ampoule of 1 ml… Deep Muscular Intra every 3 weeks and under MEDICAL CONTROL!


Male Hypogonadism (Congenital or Acquired) Breast Cancer (Palliative and Secondary to Metastasis by Hormone-Receptive Tumors) Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome (TOS), Testicular Failure (Driptochudism) Alterations in Spermatogenesis or Infertility of Endocrine Origin, Eunuchism, Hypopituitarism, States Catabolic, Androgenic Osteoporosis, Orchidectomy, Endocrine Impotence, Micropenis, Familial Delayed Puberty, Male Climacteric, Hereditary Angioneurotic Edema, Physical Decay, Libido Alterations.


Testosterone is an androgen hormone derived from cyclopentanoperhydrophenanthrene, its formula is C19H28O2 and is found in greater proportion in males, as it is produced by the testes by action and through the Hypothalamus – Pituitary – Testicular axis. In women it is found in small amounts produced by testosterone is produced from cholesterol in Leydig cells under the influence of LH. Testosterone is a hormone that belongs to the group of androgens and is chemically located as a prohormone.

Absorption: Testosterone injected as an oily solution is rapidly absorbed, metabolized and excreted, so the androgenic effect is small. Testosterone is a cyclopentaneperhydrophenanthrene derivative with 19 carbon atoms, an O2 atom at C3, a double bond between C4 and C5 and a hydroxyl radical (OH) at C17. Distribution: Testosterone is a lipophilic hormone in the blood, it is transported bound to proteins in 98% and 2% of the free signature (active form) of this circulating amount, 60% is bound to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) produced mainly by the liver. , the other 38% bind to albumins, which allows it to enter the target organ, that is, it is Bioavailable Testosterone. The one with the greatest hormonal action. Testosterone is mostly inactivated in the liver. Metabolism: Free Testosterone passively diffuses into target cells where it can be metabolized into another more active androgen, 5-Alpha-Dihydrotestosterone (5-α DHT) via 5α-Reductase and 17β-Estradiol via the action of aromatase , this being the active ingredient. There are 2 isoenzymes of 5α-reductase; Type I (skin and liver) and Type II (adrenal gland, prostate, seminal vesicle, genital skin, hair follicle, and cerebral cortex) At many sites of action Testosterone is not the active form of the hormone Elimination: excreted in the urine as sulfates and glucuronide conjugates, 6% pass through the stool for enterohepatic recirculation. The most active derivative of Testosterone is Dihydrotestosterone, in various target organs by 5α-Reductase, in addition to the aromatization of small amounts of testosterone, giving rise to estrogenic derivatives.


Cardiovascular Diseases, Hypertension, Diabetes, Thyroid and Adrenal Diseases., Convulsive Diseases (epilepsy) and Prostate Diseases, (Cancer) Active Breast Cancer, Kidney Diseases, Liver Diseases of any etiology, Pregnancy. Severe osteoporosis, Lactation, Anemia (androgenic or type)


Wolffian duct: Stimulates growth and differentiation.- External genitalia: masculinization and growth- Bones: Closure of the epiphyses.- Larynx: Growth and stretching of the vocal cords- Skin: Stimulates fat production, stimulates body and facial hair growth decreases hair growth (androgenic alopecia)- Kidneys: Stimulates erythropoietin production – Liver: Induces enzymes, influences protein synthesis.- Lipid metabolism: ↑HDL-cholesterol and ↓ LDL.- Bone marrow: Stimulates erythropoiesis.- Muscles: Development of lean fat- Testicle: Stimulates and maintains spermatogenesis.- Prostate: Stimulates its growth and functioning. – Breasts: Inhibits their growth.- Pituitary gland: Negative feedback on the secretion of gonadotropins.- Hypothalamus.


Do not use for extended periods. Do not administer to patients with other treatments. Do not consume alcohol simultaneously. Do not exceed doses. Keep out of reach of children. Administer with caution to patients who are allergic or sensitive to this medication or its components. DO NOT USE ON PREGNANT WOMEN, ELDERLY PEOPLE AND CHILDREN!! AND ONLY UNDER MEDICAL CONTROL!

Who should be careful when using this medicine?

Those people with heart disease, high blood pressure, tumors, breast and prostate cancer, altered cholesterol and triglycerides, liver problems, kidney failure, epilepsy, unbalanced calcium in the blood, diabetes, thyroid.

ATTENTION!! Warnings for athletes have NOT been described, but this medication is reported to contain a component that on a drug test may result as a POSITIVE (+).


The appearance of adverse reactions can be; Masculinization in women (increased voice tone, hirsutism, clitoral hypertrophy, menstrual irregularities, amenorrhea, skin thickening and others). In pre-pubertal children (early sexual maturation and growth arrest) In adults (Priapism, Acne, Moderate Polycythemia and obstruction by Prostatic Hypertrophy) HDL decrease; Elevation of other lipid fractions, liver disease (cholestatic jaundice). Liver carcinoma, prostate cancer (before age 50). Hydrosaline retention, Edema (more in Neoplasms). Arterial hypertension, decreased spermatogenesis in men with feminizing effects (gynecomastia, decreased libido, probable erection disorders and androgenic-type impotence) . Nephropathies and alteration of the Adrenals.


Barbiturates: inducers of microsomal enzymes, alter clearance – Oxyphenbutazone: increase levels. – Ac. Valproic, Amiodarone, Antibiotics, Phenytoin-Oral Anticoagulants: Coumarinics with increased activity (check dose) INR and prothrombin control. – Hypoglycemic agents: They potentiate their action by reducing insulin levels – ACTH and corticosteroids: formation of edema.


Physicians should monitor the following parameters at 3 (three) months, 6 (six) and 12 (twelve) months for those taking Testosterone: – Rectal examination and Prostate Specific Antigen (PAS) to rule out hyperplasia or subclinical prostate cancer (more in older adults)

– Hematocrit and Hemoglobin to rule out Polycythemia Vera (overproduction of red blood cells), – Sleep Apnoea, especially patients with Lung Disorders (COPD, EBOC) – Pre-pubescent children: height should be monitored as androgens in general can accelerate growth premature epiphyseal closure and sexual maturation.


In case of overdose, nasogastric lavage will be performed, preferably within 4 hours after ingestion of the drug. The antidote for Paracetamol is: N-acetylcysteine.

Medical Emergencies Hospital Toxicology Center


BOX with 1 vial x 10 mL (multidoses)

Store at room temperature (15°C-30°C) in a dry place.

Keep out of the reach of children

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